Teen Angst Night


Saturday, February 22


Fox Cabaret

Doors Open


Show Time



Show Details

Somewhere in the back of your closet gathering dust and turning yellow with age is comedic gold: those old journals, poems, and essays you wrote as a teenager when you thought you could do no wrong. If you were to read them today you’d probably cringe at your former feelings. Now, imagine sharing them in front of an audience. That’s exactly what happens at Teen Angst Night.


Teen Angst Night is a comedic reading series. Readers can share anything (poetry, songs, letters, journals, diaries, essays, stories, plays, lists, livejournals, Facebook status updates etc.) so long as it follows these rules:

1- The work must be your own.

2- You must have written it between the ages of 10-19.

3- You cannot be proud of the work you share. It’s best if you’re super embarrassed.


“But is it real comedy? It most certainly is. People love to laugh and there are many routes to arrive at that destination. Is it traditional? It most certainly is not. It’s not what the average person envisions when they think of comedy. But regular shows would kill for these kinds of laughs.” - Georgia Straight “Teen Angst Night is a good time” - CFOX Radio

Age 19+

Wheelchair Accessible